This week on the Blog tour my guest it Nikki Noffsinger. I have the pleasure of interviewing her and getting to know her better. Please welcome Nikki!
When did you start writing? I have always loved writing and I wrote my first story about the 1st grade. I won a box of crayons from my teacher.
How did you get into writing paranormal? Well I’ve always loved horror movies, ghost stories, and those were just the books I’ve always been drawn to besides classical lit and historical romance.
Where did you get the idea for your book Curse Awakening? The idea came from 2 television shows I was watching. One was a special on the Oprah show about how Native Americans are living in such terrible conditions and I was always big on Native American history as well as lore anyway and then I caught a 20/20 show about the FLDS church’s runaway girls and “lost boys”. I knew after I wrote my first book, that I wanted to try to write a shifter themed book but it wasn’t until I saw those two shows that the story really took off in my head.
Where do your ideas from leading male characters come from? From every obsession I had with every boy/guy that hung on my bedroom walls and I wanted them to have the same values that I would want in a man with some extras.
Are you ever in the middle of writing one book but ideas come to you for a new book? How do you keep track of all the information thats popping into your head? I run into this all the time Linda. I call it “writer’s ADD”. Right now I am in between five different stories and sometimes it is hard to be able to be in the middle of writing for one-get an idea for another and then try to find some way to write down the ideas so I can put my brain back on the one I was working on. Some days the voices in my head are quiet and I can work on just one at a time-but that is rare.
Lets change gears!
What’s your favorite book and why? My absolute favorite book in the whole wide world is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I grew up for a time as an only child in an all adult neighborhood and I was sick a lot. My Kindergarten teacher, who took a special interest in me, would come to visit me and sometimes she’d take me to her apartment and we’d read books, draw and paint, and visit museums. One of the books we read was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You could say that book is what shifted my imagination into high gear. The descriptive and colorful words that form the pictures of Charlie and his amazing adventure through the Chocolate Factory and how each page made me eager for the next was what made me want to write. I wanted to affect people with the words I wrote.
Are you still in the fence about 50 Shades of Grey? Yes. I can appreciate it for its creative work but to say it is the most original, most passionate, and best book out there for women I have to disagree. I hate to criticize other authors because who knows, people might never like what I write, but Fifty Shades of Grey to me ripped off original character ideas in my opinion and let’s face it-there is nothing in that book that can’t be looked up on Wikipedia. I’m not into BDSM but if she had even touched on a hint of that lifestyle-then why are so many people who are die hard BDSM practitioners up in arms about it? For me, she wrote a book that is hot right now because there are a lot of Twi-moms that don’t have to feel like cougars anymore or like they’re raiding their daughter’s book shelves. However, she did get it published and she did put work into it. So yeah, I’m still on the fence. I do not think that it deserves a movie but I will probably end up seeing it and leaving the theater as I did when I saw the sequel to the Sex in the City movie.
If you could be a character in any book or movie, who would you want to be and why? Right off the top of my head-Vianne Rocher from the movie, Chocolat for two reasons: Johnny Depp and the story. It is one of my favorite movies. As for books, wow the question is more like, who wouldn’t I wanted to have been.
What’s your favorite vacation spot? King’s Island is one of my favorites because I am a thrill ride junkie. I might end up crying, snotted up, and nearly peeing my pants but I can’t resist a roller coaster…well maybe just two but I don’t have a death wish just yet.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you? Well before I had children I would have said, “Falling on my roller skates at the skating party?” but since I have had children, who are both 16 and 7 now; I would say, “You really want me to just pick one thing?” Lately the most embarrassing thing was my son towards the end of his school year for the muffins with mom event, told the whole table when he was asked what he would like to get his mom for Mother’s Day and his reply was, “Her nerves ‘cause she says I jump on the last one and I don’t know what I’m jumping on”. Yeah, parent of the year, that’s me.
What is the one thing you miss most from your childhood? My grandpa; he was such a big part of my entire life and looking back I wouldn’t have had much of a childhood had he not been there. He was the dad I didn’t have, the grandpa who loved and adored me, and the friend I needed when I didn’t think I could face another day of teasing or when I felt like I couldn’t do anything. We lost him six years ago and it still hasn’t faded with time the ache in my heart.
If you could indulge in anything decadent and have no repercussions, what would it be? Life. I would indulge in doing, seeing, and experiencing life. I would toss caution to the wind.
Thanks for visiting today Nikki! It was great getting to know you!
About the Author
Nicole Noffsinger or Nikki as she is known is a 37 year old mother of two children and has always loved writing and creating stories from a young age. She lives with her family in a mid-sized Indiana town. Aside from writing she has an eclectic taste in both music and art, loves to travel, and has a great love of all things that go “bump” in the night.