Welcome to Romance

I am a contemporary romance writer. I published my first novel, Take 2, in Dec 2012. I chat about relationships and love. I'm no expert! I'd love your feedback!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

An Unromantic Romance Writer

I know, you're asking,"WHAT?"

I'm really not a romantic. Never have been. But I love writing and reading romance. Maybe it's my lack of romance that attracts me to it. The sweet love stories, the torrid, stormy romances, the historical highlander-invades-and-kidnaps tales - I love them! Don't ask me to recite a gushy romantic comment. I don't have any in my vocabulary. If they are said to me I have to hide the eye-rolling terse comment that tries to escape my thoughts. I know, its sad.

So, now you're wondering, "How does she write romance then?" Well, I watch everyday life. I listen to other people.  I read a lot! Yes, my friends can vouch for me  - I steal their lines, their stories, their comments. I have many romantic friends who tell me their tales, in confidence of course, and, yes, I use their love, pain and mushy stories. No one is safe!

I can't help it! They are my muse. Oh, I have the voice in my head that comes up with a bit of gooeyness every now and then, but my friends are my real motivation.  I enjoy reading and, especially, writing romance. The ideas flow but to add that special something - the perfect quote, a great setting, that special description of the perfect kiss - my friends are great contributors.

So, as you read my blogs and, hopefully someday, my books, you'll know I had a ton of help in writing them.  Oh, I could never disclose who gave me that perfect line or that warm and fuzzy date.  That would be just wrong on so many levels. Also, that friend would stop sharing their feelings with me. Just enjoy the fact that you know the story is a collaboration of great friendships coming together to share their deepest secrets.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I am so glad I'm not the only one! One of the biggest turn offs about my last boyfriend was the fact that he seriously sounded like a romance novelist was writing his texts to me. It drove me nuts! But I love reading and writing romantic novels. I thought I was crazy.
